
[Linked in] September 14th K-REACH : 2021 grace period

Manager 0 3,197 2021.10.15 15:47

Hello, everyone, let’s check the registration grace period. The person who manufactures and imports existing substances of more than 1 ton/year and new substances of more than 0.1 ton/year should register under K-REACH before manufacturing and importing the substances. After the pre-registration, the grace period is given, which more than 1 ton/year CMR substances, and 1000 ton/year existing substances must be registered on Dec, 31st, 2021.
Also, the substances under the grace period should register as “Joint-registration”. Joint-registration conducts with the consortium through pre-registration. The lead register should be appointed, and prepare the agreement with the members, the physical-chemical properties & hazardous data of the substance and submit the related dossiers to be completed.
SAS offers the joint-registration service with experts that have full experience of substance registration. Don’t be hesitate to ask any questions to: 

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